Appleland Promenaders Square Dance Club
Square Dance Lessons begin November 12, 2024
East Wenatchee Valley Grange at 3400 Sunset Highway
Lesson Time : 6:30-8:30pm
New students can start square dance lessons in the fall of 2024. The first three lessons are FREE. (November 12,19,26). After the first 3 weeks the cost is $7.00 per lesson. Come try it. You will be glad that you did it as it will change your life. You will make new friends that you will keep for the rest of your life. Call 509-293-3516 with any questions. We would love to talk to you! Or email us at [email protected]..
What is square dancing? Modern American square dancing consists of 8 people (4 couples) who form a square. Every dance has a caller who gives the calls to the dancers. Square dancers' range in age from 8-98. It’s a real family affair. Dancers come from all walks of life. Square dancing is an umbrella term covering other forms of dancing. There is also round dancing, which is similar to ballroom dancing, but in a circle. See below for more information on round dancing.
What about the cost? Lessons cost $7.00 per person. Our dances cost $10. Special dances cost $12 per person. The cost is less than the price of a movie.
What about the clothes? We’re skipping the bolo ties and frilly skirts and opting for prairie skirts, knee length skirts, jeans, casual tops, polo shirts, etc. We still occasionally dress in our petticoats, but overall we’re going to a more modern and casual look. Men will quite often still wear a long sleeve shirt.
What type of music is used? We might have George Strait, or Fleetwood Mac, or Steppenwolf, or Elvis, or 50’s, or rock and roll. And, it’s all live! For some special events National Callers will come in and they can really belt out a song. During our Apple Blossom dance we have national callers who are truly a pleasure to hear sing. Our own local callers also have beautiful singing voices.
Are there any health benefits? Yes, lots of benefits. At a typical dance you will walk 3-5 miles. Square dancing provides a great low-impact workout. Square dancing has been recommended by the Alzheimer’s Association as being a good way to keep your mind sharp by remembering the calls.
Do I need a partner? Both couples and singles are welcome at square dance lessons and our regular dances. Yes, we sometimes have more women than men, but that's okay. The more experienced dancers learn to dance the man's part. We recently had a square with 7 women and 1 man. Who cares? As long as you get to dance, it's all fun.
Once I learn to dance where else can I dance? You can dance at several clubs in the North Central Washington area. There are 2 clubs in Wenatchee and 1 in Moses Lake. Kennewick has a club as does Yakima. You can also dance at the annual Washington State square dance festival, special club weekend dances, and at Circle 8 campground (summer only) near Cle Elum. There is a National Convention somewhere in the USA every year. In 2025 the National Convention is in Shreveport, Louisiana. There is a regional dance called USA West. In 2025 it will be the last weekend of July in Spokane, WA.
Can I learn to Round Dance? There is a full weekend class being held in Yakima in October. Round Dancing is basically choreographed ballroom dancing with all couples dancing the same figures around the floor at the same time. Round Dancers learn from day 1 to associate each foot pattern with the figure name. Since there are far too many routines to memorize, a cuer calls out the name of each figure.
Some quotes from our members:
“We dance because it is fun and square dancers are the nicest people. It is a great way to stay active and enjoy friendships.”
“Why Do I Square Dance? Having taken my 1st lessons 40 yrs ago & last danced 30 yrs ago, it was past time to get dancing back in my life. Dancing had changed a bit in that time, for the better. I can't imagine my life without Square Dancing!! Throughout this past year I've made new friends, gotten to see new parts of our state, gotten my exercise all while having some of the best times of my life. Please come join us!”
“With 3 other couples we were looking for something to do during the winter. The women thought it would be great but had to convince their husbands. We got them to try it, and truly, after one lesson, they loved it.”
“I met my wife at a square dance. I never want to quit dancing with her.”